Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blog trouble.

I'm having a trouble with this blogging thing. My fault entirely of course, but although I caused it I simply can't fix it. I was trying to post some photos on Dec. 24th and blogger was giving me some trouble, instead of giving up until later I stubbornly started poking buttons and right clicking. I ended up making all the options like inserting photos spell checking and so on disappear and can't make them reappear. Can some good soul out there help me. It would be dearly appreciated.



  1. Are you posting on the HTML tab by chance? The icons aren't visible then. Change the tab back to compose and you'll see them.

  2. I agree with Mary L. That's what happened to me yesterday when I was changing a few things. Hope that works for you.

  3. I'm sorry I can't add any suggestions about what to do, but hope you will be able to get things fixed quickly.
