I have just talked to DD1 and she has given me a lesson in: Stretch/skew so now I have a bunch of photos to put in my blog. She said maby she should become a computer teacher for the elderly ha, ha, very funny.Tonight I will start with my OC witch I am now quilting bit by bit using my Janome 6600.
As it is I have not had much time to quilt as I am finally finishing my shirt (started almost 2 years ago) for my national costume (upphlutur) and making another shirt and an apron for my DD2. The apron is almost totally by hand but not as much the shirts. Will post a photo later.
The reason for making these now is that my DD thought she would be using her upphlutur this evening, she was wrong, but its great to have them finished as she will wearing the costume in May at my older DD gratuation from collage.
Now as for me . I am going to a dinner and a ball tomorrow night, where all the women will be wearing a costume, either upphlutur or peysufot. And most of the men will be wearing the mens costume. Not hubby though as he has outgrown his, (or our storage space for our clothes is so shaggy that its making his clothes shrink, hm I wonder)
We bring our own food (old Icelandic food eaten out of a wooden ... ah, I dont have the word, its not really a box but lets leave it at that) and drinks, get entertained by 11 women that will set up mini plays and sing songs about things that have happened in our town for the last year and at the dance later in the evening and night we will be dancing the "old dances" in between the newer ones.
This dinner and a ball is called Thorrablot, I will not try to explain the what and why of it, but Thorri was a month in our old calendar and starts to day, the third friday in Januar, which is also the farmers day, today very few men are farmers so its considered more as a husbands day. We, the wives and sweetharts are of course very nice and loving on this day. Well more so than usually. Hm, let me finsish this so I can go and watch my hubby with loving eyes as he snores in front of the tv. Lol. Sew happy.
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